
Bedmax began life on a family farm on the coast opposite Holy Island in north Northumberland in 2000.

With two Royal Warrants, BEDMAX Ltd is the largest manufacturer of equine bedding in the UK and we are delighted to be the official supplier of bedding for the 2024 Defender Blair Castle International Horse Trials.  BEDMAX Ltd has an extensive portfolio of bedding and animal products which includes, BEDMAX large Flake Shavings, Littlemax small flake shavings, Stockmax Pine Shavings for animal bedding, Strawmax straw pellets, Catmax cat litter and using the dust removed from the manufacturing process HOTMAX fuel logs.

Bedmax Ltd is the only company in the world to have NOPS accreditation for its bedding products which, means that they are free from hazardous substances.

With all harmful dust removed, it is BEDMAX large flake pine shavings, which are being used in the stables at Blair Castle. These shavings are specifically designed to improve the health and well-being of stables horses. The BEDMAX flakes are cut larger than most shavings, and create a deep, comfortable bed, which helps to protect joints and to provide support for hooves.

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