Driving Licence Declarations

Please fill out the Driver’s licence declaration. Without a completed form you will not be permitted to drive or operate any estate vehicles or machinery.

Driving Declaration 2024

MM slash DD slash YYYY
1. Have you ever had motor insurance cancelled, refused or renewal refused?(Required)
2. Have you ever been asked to pay an increased premium (other than normal rating increases) or had special conditions imposed?(Required)
3. Have you been convicted of any motor offence (including fixed penalty offences) during the last 5 years?(Required)
4. Have you been reported for any motoring offence or is any prosecution or Police enquiry pending?(Required)
5. Do you have a licence currently under suspension and are presently disqualified from driving?(Required)
6. Have you had any accident and/or claim during the last 5 years involving any motor Vehicle?(Required)
7. Have you any physical or mental defect or infimrity or suffered from Diabetes, fits or any heart complaint which has not been notified to DVLA or has resulted in a restricted licence being issued?(Required)


MM slash DD slash YYYY

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