
Please complete the relevant details below. Hard copies of paperwork can also be submitted on site, but may delay you starting work.

Contractor Health & Safety

1 Company Details

3. H&S Policy
Do you have a company Health, Safety and Environmental Policy detailing the company’s organisation and arrangements for its implementation? (please attach a copy)
4. Insurance
Do you have appropriate insurance policies in place? (attach current certificates below)
5. ISO45001
Do you currently hold ISO 45001 accreditation or other SSIP certificate? If yes, please attach a copy of your certificate(s). If you hold ISO 45001 accreditation or other SSIP certificate, you only need to answer sections 1-4 and 19-20 of this questionnaire.
6. Health & Safety Representative
Please provide the name of the person within the company who is responsible for the Health and Safety of your organisation. (please provide training / experience details)
7. Health & Safety Advisor
Do you contract someone to provide competent health and safety advice? (please provide contact details / training / experience details)
8. Training
Have employees, including managers and supervisors received appropriate Health and Safety training? (please provide training details and provide a selection of example certification)
9. Operative Training
Do your operatives who will be employed on site hold relevant skills, knowledge and experience? (please provide training / experience details and example certification)
10. Accident Reporting
Do you have an accident / incident / dangerous occurrence reporting procedure?
Have you reported any RIDDOR reportable events to the HSE in the last 3 years? (Please attach details below)
12. Improvement Notices
Have you received any improvement or prohibition notices from enforcing authorities or been subject to prosecution in the last 3 years? (Please attach details below)
13. Auditing
Do you have a procedure to audit, monitor and review your operations? (Please attach details below)
14. Equipment Testing
Please provide electrical testing records, lifting equipment certification documentation and monitoring documentation. (Please attach current certificates below)
Do you employ subcontractors, if so how do you assess their organisational capability? (Please detail)
16. Risk Assessments
Do you have a procedure for identifying hazards and assessing risk? (Please attach a horse trials specific risk assessment below)
17. Method Statements
Do you provide operatives undertaking work with job specific method statements and instructions? (if applicable attach a horse trials specific method statement below)
18. Controlled Waste
Do you carry controlled waste and if so are you registered with the relevant regulatory authority? (Please attach a copy of certification below where relevant)
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Document Checklist
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